2023 Isuzu D-Max 3.0 Ddi LSE 4X4 Auto Double Cab
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NOW ONLY R 729 900
Stock number | 2197-U30821 |
Body Type | Bakkie Double Cab |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Year | 2023 |
Mileage | 20000 |
Engine Size | 3.0 |
Power | 140kW / 450Nm |
Transmission | Automatic |
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NOW ONLY R 729 900

Stock number | 2197-U30821 |
Body Type | Bakkie Double Cab |
Fuel Type | Diesel |
Year | 2023 |
Mileage | 20000 |
Engine Size | 3.0 |
Power | 140kW / 450Nm |
Transmission | Automatic |
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